1st Workshop on Scene Understanding
in Unstructured Environments
In conjunction with the DAGM GCPR 2021, September 28
Registration is now open at virtual21.dagm-gcpr.de
Important Dates
[Update June 14, 2021] Please notice that we have extended the extended abstract submission deadline until July 18, 2021 (23:59 CEST).
[Update August 31, 2021] The registration for the virtual DAGM GCPR 2021 is now available at https://virtual21.dagm-gcpr.de. Don't forget to select the "Workshop on Scene Understanding in Unstructured Environments" as your "Interest" during registration. This allows us to estimate the event attendance and prepare accordingly. The registration for the virtual DAGM GCPR 2021 is free.
Submission and Reviews
We invite submissions of 3 page extended abstracts on research ideas and publications you would like to present as part of the workshop. The 3 pages exclude references and represent an upper limit as long as you communicate your presentation topic clearly in your abstract.
The presented research is not required to be novel and we allow presenting previously published work. This workshop should not necessarily be considered as a venue for publication, but rather as a place to gather the community interested in scene understanding in unstructured environments.
The submissions will be processed via CMT, follow this link to the CMT submission page.
Submission Format
Extended abstracts submitted to the workshop should conform with the Springer LCNS format. The template is also available on Overleaf.
The extended abstract length is limited to 3 pages excluding references. All papers have to be submitted as a single PDF file.
We allow supplementary material to be submitted as well. The material can contain documents, images, scripts, and videos. The material should be submitted as a ZIP file and should not exceed 50 MB.
The SUUE workshop reviewing is single blind and managed over Microsoft CMT.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together the part of the vision community interested in scene understanding in unstructured environments. The following topics are of interest for submission at this workshop:
Scene Understanding in Unstructured Environments
Multimodal Learning
Transfer Learning
Applications in Field Robotics